To be smart- so important, like writing and reading skills, that is why important to develop these skills from childhood. The lessons of Applied Mechanics will learn children of physical principles by easiest way, do not be afraid of own creativity and initiative. Your child will developing personality together with us and we weill help him in full.
On the lessons children will familiarize with big assortment of parts from Technic series of famous meccano maker. Big range of parts made possible like primitive modelling, then modelling of difficult multistage transmissions.
During the year, children will use different parts: batteries, remote controls, different electric motors, gears, beams, connectors. All sets designed for learning of machines construction and working principles, all the machines in our lessons you can met on the streets, building yards, shipyards, plane yards, etc. Our set are the best way to learn and understood of technologies, mathematics and physics. We use parts and machines to explain the children such physics points like force and movement, power and structure. At the end of year children will learn all mechanical transmission types, will familiarize with physical processes involved to the machines working principles, will built own car and crawler machine, cranes, lathes, pneumatic machines, rope-way and other.
Technical education for children on Tairovo Kostandi (Vernissage) can be not only useful, but also very interesting. You can see it by yourself, lets register for the Applied Mechanic (Technic Club) classes and at the end of lesson you will see happiness in your child eyes.
201, Kostandi Str., Odessa
0 800 307 377
093-329 4930
067-329 4930