In the numerous requests of the parents, in this school year in the Robotic Club will begin a new course aimed at the development of children from 4 years - the Basics of mechanics. The basics of mechanics can be called the early development lessons on Kyivskiy District. In the classes, children will learn the structure of the surrounding mechanisms around them and their purpose in the real world, for example: for what a wind electric generator is needed, how it generates electricity, which causes the blades to spin and why windmills are among the most eco-friendly methods of mining. The lessons are helping small engineers to get acquainted with the world of machines and receive the answers to the question: “How it’s works?”.
The course Basics of Mechanic is able to bring children to love the world of technical sciences and show them our world. Each lesson small engineers will study a new topic, developing lot of skills: imagination, the ability to think, teamwork, motor skills, self-confidence. All this skills to be useful at the primary school, children will be easily find the friends, understood school program in compare with things than has been learned on the Basics of Mechanic lessons in our Robotic Club.
Every lesson children will build new machine or mechanism, during that teacher will explain which part for what they are used, what will happen if wrong part to be used, why we have taken one gear instead of another gear. All information coming during the lesson to be learned subconsciously and children will use it future like it was expressly learned.
The technical sciences can be interesting to any children not depending on age. Don’t believe? Register for our lessons at the Robotic Club Kids&Robots Kostandi (Kyivskiy District).
201, Kostandi Str., Odessa
0 800 307 377
093-329 4930
067-329 4930