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Our courses

3-4 y.o. Construction
Development lessons for children 3-4 years old at Cheryomushki. Construction.Development lessons for children at Cheryomushki “Construction” are one of the most important activities for any kid. Designing is not just lessons for children in Cheryomushki, these are lessons that will be responsible for the comprehensive development of kids. Children get acquainted with the various shapes, sizes and......
5-6 years Scratch Junior
The Scratch Junior course is designed for children from 5 to 6 years old. The main advantages of the course: - the beginning of computer literacy, - work with the mouse and keyboard, - conscious drawing up of algorithms, - development of logical thinking, - development of mathematical thinking. Children of 5-6 years old perfectly cope with the set tasks in the lessons thanks to the interesting......
Engineering 3D modeling and prototyping from 10 years old
Think it up, model it, print it, assemble it, take it home. 8 intensives in 2 academic years ! From Little Racer, through quadcopter and hovercraft to your design. The idea behind the 3D engineering modeling and prototyping course is that the child has the opportunity to explore and go through all the stages of developing their own robot: Idea-Sketch-Drawing-Designing, modeling and creating me......
3-4 y.o. Construction in English
Early development lessons in English - Construction in English in Cheryomushki This academic year, we decided not only to update the curriculum, but also to replenish the list with new courses. Construction in English is a new unique course developed by the teachers of the Kids & Robots Robotics Club at Cheryomushki. The goal of Construction in English is to develop creative potential in child......
4-5 y.o. Construction
Developing Construction lessons for children 4-5 years old at Cheryomushki Developing lessons for children at Cheryomushki “Construction” are interesting and entertaining for absolutely every child, but do not forget that classes should be not only interesting, but also informative, and the design meets all these requirements. Studying design, kids develop not only mentally, children learn to work......
4-5 years old. Logics
Logic lessons for children 4 - 5 years old on CheryomushkiLogic for children in Cheryomushki is the basis of correct logical thinking and an indispensable platform for comprehensive intellectual development. Logical thinking teaches children on the go to analyze any current situation or the task set by the teacher, to prove their point of view, to easily solve complex problems, puzzles. That is wh......
4-5 y.o. Basic Mechanics. Level 1
Mechanics. Basics for children 4-5 years old at Cheryomushki With the onset of the new school year, the Kids & Robots Robotics Club in Cheryomushki launches a completely new unique course of studies - Mechanics. The basics for children 4-5 years old in Cheryomushki. At the age of 4-5 years, kids begin to be actively interested in mechanisms - how they are arranged, the principles of their wor......
5-6 y.o. Logic
Further education in Logic for children 5-6 years old at Cheryomushki Logical thinking is nothing more than a psychological process that allows us to solve any task. Thinking gives people the opportunity to correctly express their thoughts and gain new knowledge. That is why psychologists around the world advise parents to begin to develop the logical thinking of children from an early age. But ho......
7-9 y.o. Scratch programming
Scratch programming course for children in Malinovsky district Scratch is a graphical programming with which it is possible to control operations and actions between different media objects. But programming in Scratch is easier and more fun. To create a script, you just need to connect colorful bricks that look like parts of a constructor or pieces of a puzzle. This programming language allows you......
5-6 y.o. Basic Mechanics. Level 2
Where to go to study for children 5-6 years old at Cheryomushki. Mechanics. The basics Where to go to study for children on Cheryomushki? How to diversify a child’s leisure? These and not just one question each time parents are asked when choosing activities for the child. Kids & Robots Cheremushki Robotics Club will gladly facilitate this task for you. In our club you will find lessons for c......
7-10 y.o. Applied Mechanics.
Education for children 8-10 years old at Cheryomushki. Applied Mechanics Additional education for children in Cheryomushki is the most important aspect in the development of each child. Additional lessons at Cheryomushki should be not only informative, but also interesting, therefore, it is worth approaching the choice of classes with special care. If you want to accustom children to mental work......
8-15 y.o. Mindstorms Robotics.
8-15 years old. Robotics Mindstorms. Looking for interesting development lessons for students? Robotics Club Kids&Robots offers your children to plunge into the world of incredibly interesting technologies. The course "Robotics Mindstorms" is prepared for children aged 8 to 15 years. In the lessons, children will learn a lot of new things, and sometimes such incredible things for them, they w......
8-15 y.o. Mindstorms Robotics. Level 2.
IT education for children 8-15 years old. Robotics Mindstorms Level 2. Looking for IT education for children from 8 to 15 years old with an interesting training program? Kids&Robots Robotics Club offers to pay attention to the Level 2 Robotics Mindstorms course. At the MINDSTORMS Level 2 Robotics lessons, the guys go deeper into modeling and programming their robots and learn to write more c......
12-15 y.o Arduino Robotics
Arduino Robotics at Kids&Robots Club on Robotics at Cheryomushki With the onset of the new school year, the Kids & Robots Robotics Club in Cheryomushki launched a unique Arduino Robotics course. The course will be an ideal additional lesson for children from 12 to 15 years old and the most important plus of this course is that it does not require any preparation, since the guys receive al......

About our courses

«В 21 веке безграмотным считается уже не тот,
кто не умеет читать и писать, а тот, кто не умеет
учиться, доучиваться и переучиваться».
Элвин Тоффлер

Наш клуб создан с целью создать условия для изучения детьми точных дисциплин - механика, робототехника, для того, чтобы дети могли создать конструкцию по своему замыслу имея собственные навыки и опыт.

Мы разработали ряд взаимосвязанных между собой дисциплин, начиная с младшего дошкольного возраста и до подросткового. Присоединиться вы можете к любому из курсов. Что это дает ребенку? Это дает понимание и расширение своих возможностей, развитие нестандартного подхода в решении задач.

Изучение дисциплин- это прежде всего работа над собой,целенаправленный труд, это не только внимательность, логика, память, сотрудничество с другими, преодоление страха ошибок, конструктивное принятие критики и анализ своей работы, это - движение к поставленной цели, это интерес ребенка в изучении. Центры должны обеспечить базу знаний, разнообразные модели, соревнования, и естественно педагогический состав- умеющий объяснить материал ребенку таким образом, чтобы он развивался, а не просто посещал тот или иной кружок.