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7-10 years Scratch

Scratch lessons in Odessa - language for creativity for children.

Scratch is a simple, straightforward and extremely fun programming language that was developed for children as well as adults. With the help of this language, anyone can create an individual cartoon, animation postcard, story, and become the author of their own game.

This course is perfect for children 7-8 years old, it will be especially accessible and understandable for those who have completed the WeDo robotics course. But children 9+ and adults can safely get down to business without prior preparation.

The course was developed as an educational activity in a playful way, which is why it does not contain codes, reading and writing skills are enough. Programs in Scratch are not written, but like a constructor using a mouse, they are assembled from blocks-bricks. The program is very flexible and any changes are immediately noticeable, which makes it easy to master the principle of its operation. It is entertaining and fun to write codes on this platform; it is a kind of visual programming.

Being carried away by Scratch, the child acquires useful skills:

- since the Scratch lessons in Odessa contain a large number of logically connected blocks, the child develops the ability to build logical chains;
- develops mathematical abilities;
- develops memory and erudition;
- the ability to plan and predict their actions;
- use graphic editors, create animations, drawings from your fantasies;
- ability of critical analysis when analyzing other people's projects;
- helps to think creatively and work creatively in a team, while remaining individual.

Dear parents, listen carefully to the recommendations of the club teachers. Age-appropriate course selection is very important. If we assemble LEGO according to the instructions for 10+ years, this does not mean that we will be able to calculate the circumference and figure it out in decimal fractions.

Immersion in the program of a technology circle will be comfortable / effective only if you give the necessary knowledge ON TIME. Otherwise, "we tried it - it's not ours"

We are waiting for everyone on the lessons of the new course from the Network of Robotics Clubs Kids & Robots - Scratch for children in Odessa
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