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Robotics WeDo

Robotics WeDo 6-7 years old

Elementary WEDO Robotics for children 6-7 years old at the Primorskii district
In our opinion, it is never too early to introduce children to the world of robotics. That is why the students of our club begin to take their first steps in the development of robotics from the age of 6. Many parents doubt whether it is worth starting to study robotics at such an early age, but we can say with confidence - yes, it is! Studying robotics helps children understand the world around us better, teaches them to think creatively, take initiative, work in a team and not to be afraid of mistakes. 

Robotics is a science that studies the development of automated technical systems. Or to put it in simple words, science is one that teaches robots how to execute assigned commands and execute prescribed algorithms.

The WEDO Robotics course is an activity for children who have never encountered with the robotics before. The initial WEDO robotics at the Primorskii district helps young children to learn the basics of mechanics, the principles of operation of mechanisms, detectors, introduces the basics of algorithms and various laws of physics. At the lessons, the children build their first robots using educational set, motion sensors, tilt sensors, different motors, microcomtroller.

The set includes a wide variety of parts, a motion sensor and a multi-position tilt sensor, as well as microcontrollers. Microcontrollers are responsible for the mechanism’s work and it’s connection with the computer, each of which has a specialized program in which children write their first algorithms. It is still difficult to call programming in the full sense of the word, but in the future the experience of writing algorithms will help children move to a higher course - Mindstorms Robotics and continue to improve the basics of algorithmization.

The course consists of 43 lessons. Each new lesson- is a new robot that,with an example, helps children to learn mechanical concepts, physical phenomena, and various programming techniques.

Sign up for classes and show children the world of technical sciences from a very young age.
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