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Mechanics. Basics 4-5 years old

Early development of children from 4 years old at the Primorskii district.Mechanics.The basics

Course Mechanics.Basics for children from 4 years old - this is a new, unique program. The goal of the course is to help children of the earliest ages develop technical creativity, imagination, intellection, social and engineering skills. Engineering helps kids get to know the surrounding mechanisms better, teaches them how to create mechanical structures, on the basis of which the child studies in details the structure of the mechanism and the physical phenomena that affect its performance.

Do not be afraid of words such as physics, mechanics, or mechanical phenomena; nobody will tell kids about the terms that are difficult for them to perceive. The program is developed based on the abilities of children of 4 years old, all terms are presented in a playful way and are examined in details using the constructed mechanism as an example.

The course of early development classes for children at the Primorskii district consists of 36 lessons. Each new lesson is like a moving mechanism on the basis of which a teacher with children are learning about its structure and mission in the real world. Starting with simple mechanisms, children become interested about the world of technical sciences, carried away by the process of creating models, children develop attentiveness, memory, logic, analytical mindset, fine motor skills, memory, creativity, learn how to show initiative and work in a team.

All the skills that children will develop during the course will have a positive effect on the development of the Personality, and as we all know, the harmonious development of the Personality is the most important factor in achieving the results. The more child is confident- the easier it is to achieve high results. After completing the course, it will be easier for the child to adapt at school and integrate into the studying. There will not be any fear during the tests for a  child, since he already has time to understand- mistakes are easily corrected, the main thing is to be concentrated on the task.

Sign up for classes and show children the world of technical sciences from a very young age.
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