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Our courses

3-4 years.Design
Development lessons for children 3-4 years in Chernomorsk. DESIGN. At the age of 3-4 kids start to actively explore the world around them, quickly absorbing all the information. A lot of parents start to look for the very first developing classes for their children exactly at this age. The most important thing at this age is not to discourage the child from learning. That is why, often parents cho......
4-5 years. Logics
Lessons for children 4-5 years old in Chernomorsk.  LOGICS All of us know how important is science such as "Logics" in human life. Each parent wants their child to be able to think logically, draw the right conclusions and easily explain their point of view. Although, the child is still a small person who is not always able to concentrate on the task, is easily distracted and loses interest in hom......
8-15 years 3D modeling and prototyping in Odessa online
  My robot project Invent, model, print, assemble, TAKE HOME. 8 intensive courses in 2 academic years From the Little Race, through a quadcopter and an all-terrain hovercraft, to its development. This year our club celebrated its 11th anniversary. In September 2011, we opened the first groups for children from 4 to 12 years old. Our first students who started with WeDo and Mindstorm's Robotics are......
4-5 years. Design
Developing lessons for children 4-5 years old in Chernomorsk. Design. If you have already attended the “Design” educational lessons for children in Chernomorsk, then you could have fully experienced how much the kids changed after exciting educational lessons with us. If you are a beginner and just want to enter the unexplored world of Design, then we will now explain in detail why Design, and not......
4-5 years. Mechanics. Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Mechanics for children 4-5 years old in Chernomorsk. Along with the start of the school year, Kids & Robots Robotics Club Network in Chernomorsk launches a new unique course Fundamentals of Mechanics for kids from 4 to 5 years old. The goal of this course, like the rest of our club’s activities, remains unchanged - the development of engineering skills, volumetric thinking, ima......
5-6 years. Mechanics. Fundamentals
Course for children 5-6 years old in Chernomorsk. Mechanics. Fundamentals. The question that concerns each parent is: “Where do children go to study additionally in Chernomorsk?”. This question disturb parents, because additional education for children has always been as important as school.  Choosing right developing lessons not only can help children escape from school routine, but also teach th......
6-8 years.Robotics Wedo
Robotics Club for children 6-8 years old in Chernomorsk. Robotics Wedo. Do your children get bored at home and don’t know what to do? Then register them for Robotics lessons at Kids & Robots Robotics Clubs network. The course “WEDO Robotics” is ideal for children of 7-8 years old. The program of the course is aimed at the comprehensive development of children, so it is never boring at the less......
7-9 лет. Скретч
Курс программирования Scratch идеально подойдет для детей 7-8 лет, кто прошел начальный уровень робототехники WeDo, или для детей 9+ лет, без предварительной подготовки.      Scratch — простой, понятный и невероятно веселый язык программирования, который разработан специально для детей. В нем нет кодов, которые нужно знать назубок и писать без ошибок. Все, что требуется, — это умение читать и счит......
7-10 years. Applied Mechanics
Education for children 7-10 years old in Chernomorsk. Applied Mechanics. Additional education for children in Chernomorsk has always been, is and will be the most important aspect in children's development. Therefore, each parent  approaches the selection of additional activities for their kids with great responsibility. Dear parents, network of Robotics clubs wants to offer you an exciting course......
8-15 years. Robotics Mindstorms
Robotics lessons for children 8-15 years in Chernomorsk. Robotics Mindstorms. Construction is always interesting, and if you combine the construction of robots with the ability to revive them, then any lesson will be not just interesting, but the most exciting lesson in the club. Kids & Robots Robotics Club Network in Chernomorsk always teaches the most fascinating lessons. One of such courses......
8-15 years. Robotics Mindstorms Level 2
IT education for children 8-15 years old in Chernomorsk. Robotics Mindstorms Level 2.  All parents know that the IT sphere has a great future and if children are interested in IT lessons in Chernomorsk, then you should not postpone the study of a new sphere until later, it is better to start getting acquainted with programming from the very childhood. In order to get acquainted with the basics of......
12-15 years. Robotics Arduino
Robotics Arduino. IT education for children in Chernomorsk. Your child is interested in IT and wants to attend additional IT lessons? Then sign up for IT lessons at Kids & Robots Robotics Club Network. Especially for children who want to learn programming languages and go deep into a more detailed study of algorithms from early childhood we have created a completely new unique course “Arduino......

About our courses

«В 21 веке безграмотным считается уже не тот,
кто не умеет читать и писать, а тот, кто не умеет
учиться, доучиваться и переучиваться».
Элвин Тоффлер

Наш клуб создан с целью создать условия для изучения детьми точных дисциплин - механика, робототехника, для того, чтобы дети могли создать конструкцию по своему замыслу имея собственные навыки и опыт.

Мы разработали ряд взаимосвязанных между собой дисциплин, начиная с младшего дошкольного возраста и до подросткового. Присоединиться вы можете к любому из курсов. Что это дает ребенку? Это дает понимание и расширение своих возможностей, развитие нестандартного подхода в решении задач.

Изучение дисциплин- это прежде всего работа над собой,целенаправленный труд, это не только внимательность, логика, память, сотрудничество с другими, преодоление страха ошибок, конструктивное принятие критики и анализ своей работы, это - движение к поставленной цели, это интерес ребенка в изучении. Центры должны обеспечить базу знаний, разнообразные модели, соревнования, и естественно педагогический состав- умеющий объяснить материал ребенку таким образом, чтобы он развивался, а не просто посещал тот или иной кружок.