en 0 800 307 377
free from any phones

Timetable of classes

7-9 years old. Scratch

Scratch course in Arcadia

How can you convince a child that programming is not boring and difficult, but fun, interesting? Introduce him to the Scratch programming language, which was created especially for children who have absolutely no programming skills.

The Scratch course introduces children to the basics of programming by creating cartoons, postcards, animations, and their own games. And all this in the form of a fun game. Any child who can write and read, as well as the desire to create, to cope with the task. the process itself is identical to the collection of the constructor, the same collection principles. Using this platform, children play with sprites and blocks, placing them in a certain order, thereby developing algorithmic thinking.

Despite the fact that Scratch was founded for the purpose of entertainment, the projects created with its help look quite professional and serve as the basis for learning programming in the future.

During classes on the course, children can become the author of their own game, cartoon, as well as arrange any educational project for the school, presentation.

This course involves the use of mathematics, trigonometry, physics. This is how, in a playful way, the guys get acquainted with disciplines that they often do not like to teach at school.

Also, when creating cartoons, children like to be modern and they voice the words of their characters in English, which is an added bonus.

At the end of the course, children will gain concepts about geometric structures, acquire the skills to think logically and systematically, become diligent, acquire like-minded people, and will be able to share the results of their work-projects, films, games.

The Kids&Robots Robotics Club in Arcadia invites your young programmers to the Scratch course and master classes. These are the first steps towards programming and acquiring a modern profession.

Odessa. Svetly lane 13 a

0 800 307 377 (free from all phones)
095 083 00 18
097 191 03 07
063 424 89 19

Recording page: kidsandrobots.com/arkadiya
Social media page: facebook.com/kidsandRobotsvArcadii
instagram: kidsandrobots_arkadiya

See you soon at Kids&Robots Robotics Club in Arcadia.
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