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Our courses

Mechanics. Basics 5-6
Mechanics. Basics 5-6. Education for children 5-6 years old in Tairova (Odessa) Parents often wonder how to diversify their preschool child’s leisure to make it both interesting and useful. Which preschool club to choose for kids in Odessa (Tairova)? What classes will plant a love for learning in preschoolers and help them prepare for school? If you want to introduce your children to the diversity......
8-15 years 3D modeling and prototyping in Odessa online
  My robot project Invent, model, print, assemble, TAKE HOME. 8 intensive courses in 2 academic years From the Little Race, through a quadcopter and an all-terrain hovercraft, to its development. This year our club celebrated its 11th anniversary. In September 2011, we opened the first groups for children from 4 to 12 years old. Our first students who started with WeDo and Mindstorm's Robotics are......
Logics 5-6
Logics 5-6. Additional education for children 5-6 years old in Tairova Are you a parent of a preschool child? Are you looking for additional education for children in Tairova? We would like to invite you to visit our Kids&Robots Robotics Club in Tairova, and you will understand that you cannot find a better preschool club for children. Here we would like to introduce you to an engaging course......
Mechanics. Basics 4-5
Mechanics. Basics 4-5. Early learning lessons for children 4-5 years old in Tairova Are you looking for interesting education lessons for children in Tairova? Your child likes building sets and he is keen to know how cars work, true? Then take him to the Kids&Robots Robotics Club in Tairova and support the child in his passion.   On this page, we will introduce you to another fascinating early......
Robotics WeDo 6-8
Robotics WeDo 6-8. Robotics course for children 6-8 years old in Tairova If your child has already started the Primary school, he adores building sets and keeps assembling and reassembling different models of fantastic transport, then it’s high time to introduce him into Robotics. Classes in Robotics in Tairova (Odessa) for children of 6-8 years old are the first steps in exploring the world of ro......
7-10 years. Applied mechanics
Education for children 7-10 years on Tairov. Applied mechanics. Additional education for children at Tairov has always been and will be one of the most important aspects of personality development. Therefore, approaching the choice of additional lessons at Tairov is with great care. The Kids&Robots Robotics Club at Tairova is always a progressive method of education, interesting lessons, highl......
8-12 years old. Mindstorms Robotics (Level 1)
8-12 years old. Robotics Mindstorms on Tairova. Robotics lessons at Tairova is one of the most advanced Kids & Robots Robotics Club courses at Tairova. Robotics is an applied science that develops automated technical systems that greatly simplify our lives. At the moment, robotics is the most important technical basis of any production. Classes of Robotics for children at Tairov include the fo......
10-15 years old. Mindstorms Robotics (Level 2)
IT education for children 8-15 years old at Tairova. Robotics Minstorms Level 2. Looking for an interesting IT education for children on Tairova? Robotics Club Kids&Robots on Tairova offers your children to plunge into the world of incredibly interesting technologies. The course “Robotics Mindstorms Level 2” is prepared for children aged 8 to 15 years. In the lessons, children will learn a lo......
4-5 years old. Logics
Logic lessons for children 4 - 5 years old on Tairova Logic is one of the most important components of any person, which is why it is so important to engage in its development from a very early age. It is not necessary to engage in logical kids in early development clubs, but if you want to diversify developmental activities for children on Tairova, then it is better to choose a suitable early de......
7-9 лет. Скретч
Курс программирования Scratch идеально подойдет для детей 7-8 лет, кто прошел начальный уровень робототехники WeDo, или для детей 8+ лет, без предварительной подготовки.   Scratch — простой, понятный и невероятно веселый язык программирования, который разработан специально для детей. В нем нет кодов, которые нужно знать назубок и писать без ошибок. Все, что требуется, — это умение читать и считать......
3-4 years. Construction
Interesting lessons for children 3-4 years old on Tiarova. Construction. Development lessons for children on Tairov have always been, are and will be an integral part of the development of any child. We are all looking for the ideal additional educational activities for children on Tairov, activities that will open up a new world for children and teach them what is difficult to teach on their own......

About our courses

«В 21 веке безграмотным считается уже не тот,
кто не умеет читать и писать, а тот, кто не умеет
учиться, доучиваться и переучиваться».
Элвин Тоффлер

Наш клуб создан с целью создать условия для изучения детьми точных дисциплин - механика, робототехника, для того, чтобы дети могли создать конструкцию по своему замыслу имея собственные навыки и опыт.

Мы разработали ряд взаимосвязанных между собой дисциплин, начиная с младшего дошкольного возраста и до подросткового. Присоединиться вы можете к любому из курсов. Что это дает ребенку? Это дает понимание и расширение своих возможностей, развитие нестандартного подхода в решении задач.

Изучение дисциплин- это прежде всего работа над собой,целенаправленный труд, это не только внимательность, логика, память, сотрудничество с другими, преодоление страха ошибок, конструктивное принятие критики и анализ своей работы, это - движение к поставленной цели, это интерес ребенка в изучении. Центры должны обеспечить базу знаний, разнообразные модели, соревнования, и естественно педагогический состав- умеющий объяснить материал ребенку таким образом, чтобы он развивался, а не просто посещал тот или иной кружок.